Date: Saturday Mars 8, 2008 (Esfand 18, 1386)
Location: Qom-Kashan high-way, Iran
Latitude: 34° 27' 29.64" N
Longitude: 51° 05' 13.71" E
Elevation: 932 meters from sea level
Time zone: +3.5
Topocentric and local time values from "Moon Calculator" (Refrac off):
Time: 18:49 LT (15:19 UT)
Moon Alt: 02° 07' 34"
Sun Alt: - (9° 19' 03")
Elongation: 11° 27' 11"
Rel Azi: 00° 28' 01"
Moon Width: 0.32'
Moon Phase: 1.18%
Moon Age: 22h 05m after conjunction
Photographer: Alireza Mehrani
Camera: & Digital camera (Sony DSC H9)
Date: Saturday Mars 8, 2008 (Esfand 18, 1386)
Location: Qom-Kashan high-way, Iran
Latitude: 34° 27' 29.64" N
Longitude: 51° 05' 13.71" E
Elevation: 932 meters from sea level
Time zone: +3.5
Topocentric and local time values from "Moon Calculator" (Refrac off):
Time: 18:49 LT (15:19 UT)
Moon Alt: 02° 07' 34"
Sun Alt: - (9° 19' 03")
Elongation: 11° 27' 11"
Rel Azi: 00° 28' 01"
Moon Width: 0.32'
Moon Phase: 1.18%
Moon Age: 22h 05m after conjunction
Photographer: Alireza Mehrani
Camera: & Digital camera (Sony DSC H9)